In a few days I'll be 76. Someone asked me if I lived my life over again what would I do that I hadn't done. The answer was easy; I would save the world.
Of course Superman - who is roughly my age - wanted to do the same thing, but his approach is to take out all the bad guys, whereas my approach would be to teach everyone animation which, as a universal language, would help the bad guys and good guys get along better.
Teaching everyone to animate is not an easy task, but it will become easier with a program a friend directed me to yesterday at:
This is one of a new breed of programs like K-sketch which enables users to animate without having to learn animation. You can also use libraries of free animations such as: http://gifanimations.com/ and http://www.animationlibrary.com/
The idea of using art to unite the world is not entirely new either. UNESCO runs a number of programmes at Digiarts.
Some other sites can be found at Kids Art and Freebies
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