Welcome to the Real World. In case you are one of those people who spend time using machines to listen to music, watch TV, play games, and the like, this is to let you know there is another world out there; one in which poor people strive to earn a living and hopefully get some spare cash above their survival needs so they can buy machines to listen to music, watch TV, play games, etc.
I make this point because a certain Mr Bill O'Reilly feels many of us are losing touch with reality. You can find his comments on http://gamepolitics.com/2006/11/18/bill-oreilly-slams-playstation-3-launch-gamers-ipods-tech-not-in-that-order/
My theory is that Civilisation is in fact built on our needs to escape reality, and movie makers do more than their share in setting up escape routes.
I make this point because a certain Mr Bill O'Reilly feels many of us are losing touch with reality. You can find his comments on http://gamepolitics.com/2006/11/18/bill-oreilly-slams-playstation-3-launch-gamers-ipods-tech-not-in-that-order/
My theory is that Civilisation is in fact built on our needs to escape reality, and movie makers do more than their share in setting up escape routes.
There is one reality we can't escape, and that is crime, so I welcomed the news that the Police are now trying out a new 360 degree camera small enough to be mounted in a helmet. I'm sure Documentary Film Makers will welcome it with open arms.
Of course having eyes in the back of your head won't totally cut down crime; which is a good thing for the Movie world, Bruce Willis, and Politicians.
Much crime - like Computer crime - isn't caught on camera. As we know, it relies a lot on words and numbers, but could it be caught on camera? Part of the problem is that the high bandwidth needed for images is not generally available to most of us, but the Computer Cavalry is riding over the hill to save us.
IBM has just raised the bar with a new computer that will do 8000 teraflops, compared with todays fastest that does 280 teraflops. Have a look at http://geek.com/news/geeknews/2006Nov/bch20061117040548.htm
But speed is not enough, it needs to be pumped down the line, and the scientists at the following address http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~jtillots/ seem to have solved that problem as well, so we will be able to get hi-res images on our PCs equal to the 'Real World' movies.
But, not to be left behind, the folks at Utah are getting closer to making a Quantum computer. When they arrive we will have so much information our minds will be boggled to the point that we will need digital implants to comprehend it all.
By that time we will be able to encrypt our posts with real-time, 3D, speaking images of ourselves that are totally hackproof.
Having got rid of just about all crime, computers of the future will only have Adultery left to contend with. That seems an easy to solve if the new Androids shown in this weeks Gadget Show are anything to go by. They look human from a few feet away, and have a vocabulary of around 40,000 words (most of us have about 15,000), and with the added advantage that you can switch them off.
Real World? What Real World?
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